Discover the local cuisine, natural setting, and museums in quaint Carrizozo

A mix of the charming, modern, and tried and true, Carrizozo is at a crossroads both literally and developmentally. The small New Mexico town has long served as a hub for travelers heading to places like White Sands, Lincoln, Ruidoso, and Roswell. In recent years this relatively quiet rural community has also started making some noise in the art world.

Check out popular sights like Honey Girl’s Cafe, Malkerson Gallery 408, and the Tularosa Basin Gallery of Photography, as you discover the local area in Carrizozo.

Foodies won’t want to miss the breakfast burritos, smoked meats, potato salad, and slaw at the ZZQ BBQ DRIVE-IN food truck in the Four Winds Motel parking lot on Hwy. 380 just outside of downtown. Best to call ahead at (972) 345-5681.

To learn more, visit the Carrizozo Chamber of Commerce.